Instituted in 1932
The National Bible College

Teaching the Kingdom Gospel with a National Responsibility to the Covenants of God
Motto: QUOD VERUM TUTUM - "What is true is safe"
121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL14 0HA, United Kingdom
(+44)(0)1388 834 395
United Kingdom
Post cheque of £ 35.00 to "The National Bible College", 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL14 0HA, United Kingdom
United States of America
Our Bankers for the past views years no longer accept USA checks. They have done for many,many decades but it is their new policy.
1. Please make out the check in favor of the B.I.W.F. were we can bank it with another bank called Natwest who allow us to bank US $ 55.00 checks with no problem. I will then make out a BIWF check in favor of The National Bible College. Both accounts are under my control and have signing powers on both.
2. Use Paypal and send the money US $ 55.00 to donations@britishisrael.co.uk (care on the ‘s’).
3. Send us your credit card details.
4. One could send the Credit Card details via more than one E-mail to keep it safer, to david@britishisrael.co.uk
- i. The 16 digit number, expiration date, and the last three security digits on the back. Also the name that is on the card and your full address and telephone number. Or you could phone us on :-
- ii. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code.
- iii. Next dial 44, the country code for the U.K.
- iv. Then the area code 1388.
- v. And finally the phone number 834395. Or simply put 011441388834395.
5. Go to your Bank to apply for a Bankers Draft in favor of ‘The National Bible College’, that is drawn on a UK Bank account in British Pounds £35.00.
Rest of the World
Our Bankers for the past views years no longer accept cheques drawn on foreign banks. They have done for many,many decades but it is their new policy.
1. Please make out the cheque in favour of the B.I.W.F. were we can bank it with another bank called Natwest who allow us to bank all foreign cheques with no problem. Send the equivilent of £ 35.00. I will then make out a BIWF cheque in favour of The National Bible College. Both accounts are under my control and have signing powers on both.
2. Use Paypal and send the money to donations@britishisrael.co.uk (care on the ‘s’).
3. Send us your credit card details.
4. One could send the Credit Card details via more than one E-mail to keep it safer, to david@britishisrael.co.uk
- i. The 16 digit number, expiration date, and the last three security digits on the back. Also the name that is on the card and your full address and telephone number. Or you could phone us on :-
- ii. First dial your country's exit code. Look it up on Google.
- iii. Next dial 44, the country code for the U.K.
- iv. Then the area code 1388.
- v. And finally the phone number 834395.
5. Go to your Bank to apply for a Bankers Draft in favour of ‘The National Bible College’, that is drawn on a UK Bank account in £ 35.00 British Pounds.
Or Email: tnbc@mail.com